It's official. I have quit my job and am giving up my apartment to go be travel bum for the next couple of months. This has always been a fantasy of mine and I was lucky to have met someone to encourage this into a reality. What makes one quit their job & want to live out of a backpack you ask? Well for me working in the fashion industry has offically taken it's toll on my emotional & physical health. I need a time out before I end up in the loonie bin. The 14 hour days, the crazy deadlines & the bitchy bosses are now a thing in my immediate past. All I can say is holy crap balls we pulled it off. I feel like Kevin Spacey in the Usual Suspects when he walks out of the police station and his gimp walk straightens out & his crippled hand goes back into position.
Many of you have asked what we will do when we get back. My answer to that is I DON'T KNOW. The last 8 years I have been soldiering away at making a career happen,
to keep learning, to keep challenging myself. To not put the money my parents spent on my education to waste. And for the most part I feel like I have succeeded I have managed to be consistently employed and learned many skills that will hopefully take me somewhere in the future. I also gained anxiety issues, acid reflux & have put my body through slight hell in the process of trying to relieve all the stress. You don't think that stress actually affect your physical well being until you actually go through it. And that shit is a bitch, having the doctor tell you that you are having panic attacks is quite honestly a less than stellar feeling. In fact I was reluctant to believe him.
So here we are. Jeff has been amazing in helping plan this trip. I consider myself ok with money, I don't lavishly overspend on useless shit but having someone plan a budget is awesome. It sets your financial goals for you. I haven't met the full budget but hopefully it will be enough. Planning this trip with someone that has a good head on their shoulders has also been awesome. Booking flights & hotels & our Inka trail trek. I just now wish I could fast forward time & be in Lima already!!
We are letting go of our worldly possesions, stashing them in our respective family basements & taking off like the hosers we are. Ultimately travelling to Southeast Asia after we get back to kiss & hug our families for 2 weeks, is the next immediate goal. I have been very goal oriented the last 8 years. I have been a good daughter. I have been the hard working employee. I have NOT been healthy, good to myself or honest with myself and now I am TIRED.
I want to greet the morning sun with a spring in my step and not reluctantly drag myself into the shower for another stressful day. Yes I may sound spoiled and be mildly insane to be doing this in a bad economy and all that, but fuck it. I have no children & no mortgage. Will I miss NYC? Yes of course this has been my home for almost 9 years now, but I have felt a pull in another direction for quite sometime thirsting to see the rest of the world. So there you have it and quite honestly
having an immediate goal is quite nice. I am travelling to South America with an amazing person & a backpack, that's it. So when you ask me where will I go after all this is done I will simply say,
The End
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