So I spent the last 2 and a half months in South America. It was awesome, it was crazy and it was too short. I was not ready to come home I wanted to see more to experience more but alas I needed to come home. My mother was diagnosed with a malignanat brain tumor in October which has since been removed and her health is fine (she still has no hair but that's the least of my worries). Staying away for longer fills me with guilt and I want to be home right now no matter how hard it is. So moving on. I wanted to share some funnies and some facts.
I've been getting the same questions & comments from a lot of people about my decision to quit my job and travel. Here are my answers to most of those questions.
General Facts
1. It's not impossible.
Here in the US of A vacations and time off are hard to come by especially for those of us working in fashion. We are bred to believe that extended time off or travelling for longer than a week or two is for the wealthy. It is not. We met students/ grown ups and the like that had saved and been traveling for 6 months to a year!! Our gringo counterparts in Europe/Australia and the rest of the world travel so much more than we do.We met plenty of females traveling alone for those of you ladies afraid of travelling by yourselves. There is a whole industry catering to the lost westerner needing to see the world, it's a win/win situation.
2.There is a party hostel in every town
Seriously there is one. If you are traveling alone fear not there is a place to house you, you will make new friends and most of the time they serve you breakfast for a cheap price. PS some even have bars in them WITH their own breweries. NO JOKE
3. Be not afraid, get uncomfortable
Fear is an annoying emotion. I hate my fear of heights and flying BUT I will still get on a plane. People fear the unknown, not knowing the language, getting ripped off etc. Really its the only thing between you having a really good time & getting to know a place because you are afraid of being uncomfortable. Traveling is not always comfortable but the reward is so much sweeter. Get uncomfortable most of the time you will discover something really cool or learn something new.
4. Poo Poo Ka Choo
You will get diarrhea/constipation/dysyntery, Just accept it and move on. It's not permanent so don't be such a baby.
5. The big no no
a. Don't bluntly take pictures of people. I'm usually very reluctant to do this but could not help it one day and literally was hit by an old woman. Think about it what if tourists were taking pictures of you in your natural habitat. It's rude, it makes people feel like they are subhuman. Learn from my mistakes. Do not do this.
6. The Booze
Drink it. It helps kill any food/water bacteria that may make you sick, it does not always work but it helps. I'm not saying get drunk every night just drink a glass of wine or beer here and there.
7. Do they hate us?
No, well maybe a little but the money is still good and they want it. Just don't be a bad American tourist and take every place for how it is and not what it can do for you.
8. Is it safe?
Yes, more places than you think are. People for the most part are not bad and out to get you. I try to adhere to the philosophy that humanity is generally good and if I respect someone's country then hopefully they will not rob me blind.
So there you have it.
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